The School of Economics Advisory Council

The School of Economics Advisory Council (SEAC) is an umbrella organization of all the UPSE-based student organizations and the School of Economics Student Council (SESC). Having a membership base comprising over half of the UPSE population, SEAC provides an organized means by which the SESC can become more transparent and more accessible to her constituents. The roles and purpose of SEAC include but are not limited to crafting statements on international, national or university-level issues hand in hand with the SESC, lobbying for common interests shared by the organizations as well as the students, and coordinating the different calendars of the organizations to minimize conflicts and explore plausible partnerships.

SEAC Vision 2010 - 2011

This AY 2010 - 2011, SEAC envisions itself to be a more visible and proactive participant in the betterment of our college as the students' second home. SEAC envisions an environment of openness and supportiveness brought about by broadened dissemination of information and strengthened cross-organizational ties.

Members of SEAC

  • CBA-SE Career Assistance Program (CAP)
  • UP Debate Society (DebSoc)
  • UP Economics Society (EcoSoc)
  • UP Economics Towards Consciousness (ETC)
  • UP Organization of Business Economics Majors (OBEM)
  • School of Economics Registration Volunteer Corps (SE RVC)
  • SIDHI: The Official Student Publication of UPSE
  • School of Economics Student Council (SESC)


    Do you have comments about the website, thoughts regarding organizational events, or queries to the council and organization executive boards? 
    Just drop us a line, and we'll read your feedback form as soon as possible!